Install theme

Install a theme from WordPress org repository.

Examples: Install Theme Hello Elementor, Install Astra

Delete all plugins that not in use, for better performance and better security.

See Also: Remove Unused Themes and Clean WordPress

Delete all themes that not in use, for better performance and better security.

See Also: Remove Unused Plugins and  Clean WordPress

Set WordPress Settings.

Supported Settings:

  • Site Title
  • Tagline
  • Home URL
  • Admin Email
  • Language
  • Timezone
  • Date Format
  • Time Format
  • Week Starts On
  • Default Post Category
  • Default Post Format
  • Posts Per Page
  • Default Ping Status
  • Default Comment Status


  • Set title to My best Website
  • Set tagline to Change the World
  • Set language to spanish
  • Set date format
  • Set default comment status to closed

Set the home page to a static page. By default it will look for a page called Home.

Set website logo. Upload your logo via an instant file uploader.

Requires a themes that supports uploading a logo.

Examples: Set Logo, Change Logo