Elementor: Set global color

Set a global color in Elementor.


  • set primary color
  • set secondary color to red
  • set text color to #790787

Set a global font family and font size in Elementor.


  • set primary font (choose from font list)
  • set secondary font to Assistant 1.5rem
  • set text font to 1rem


Turn on Elementor maintenance mode.


  • Set maintenance mode to coming soon
  • Set maintenance mode off

Navigate to a WordPress menu.

Supported menus:

  • Home
  • Dashboard
  • Plugins
  • Themes

Examples: Go to home, Go to plugins

Set the “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” setting to on.

See also: Show on search engines

Install a WordPress Plugin from WordPress.org repository and activate the plugin.

Examples: Install Elementor, Install WooCommerce