Elementor: Enable experiment

Enable or disable an Elementor Experiment/Feature. Examples: set experiment (it will open a list of all experiments) set experiment container on The bold text above is the experiment name.

Elementor Pro: Create Theme Parts

Create Elementor Pro theme parts like a header, a footer, etc. Examples: create header create footer create archive create error 404 create single page create single post create search results

Delete default content

Delete default content on a new WordPress installation. Examples: Delete Default Content, Remove Default Posts

Go to

Navigate to a WordPress menu. Supported menus: Home Dashboard Plugins Themes Examples: Go to home, Go to plugins

Create post

Create new content from any type. A post, a page, a product, etc. Examples: Create a Home Page Create a Belt Product Create a post How to use my awesome product The bold text will be used as the title of the new content.

Clean WordPress

Run 3 actions at once: Remove Unused Plugins Remove Unused themes Remove Default Content

Install theme

Install a theme from WordPress org repository. Examples: Install Theme Hello Elementor, Install Astra

Set logo

Set website logo. Upload your logo via an instant file uploader. Requires a themes that supports uploading a logo. Examples: Set Logo, Change Logo

Remove unused plugins

Delete all plugins that not in use, for better performance and better security. See Also: Remove Unused Themes and Clean WordPress

Remove unused themes

Delete all themes that not in use, for better performance and better security. See Also: Remove Unused Plugins and  Clean WordPress

Set permalink

Set the Permalink Structure. Any Structure is supported. Pre defined structures are: Plain Day and name Month and name Numeric Category Post Name Examples: Set Permalink to Post Name Set Permalink to /blog/%postname%/

Show on search engines

Set the “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” setting to off. Examples: Show on search engines See also: Hide from search engines

Hide from search engines

Set the “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” setting to on. See also: Show on search engines

Set home page

Set the home page to a static page. By default it will look for a page called Home.


Set WordPress Settings. Supported Settings: Site Title Tagline Home URL Admin Email Language Timezone Date Format Time Format Week Starts On Default Post Category Default Post Format Posts Per Page Default Ping Status Default Comment Status Examples: Set title to My best Website Set tagline to Change the World Set language to spanish Set date […]

Uninstall Plugin

Uninstalling a WordPress Plugin. If the plugin is active you will need to approve to deactivate it first. Examples: Uninstall Elementor, Uninstall WooCommerce

Deactivate plugin

Deactivate a WordPress Plugin. Examples: Deactivate Elementor, Deactivate WooCommerce

Activate plugin

Activate an installed plugin. Examples: Activate Elementor, Activate WooCommerce

Install plugin

Install a WordPress Plugin from WordPress.org repository and activate the plugin. Examples: Install Elementor, Install WooCommerce