Elementor: Set global font

Set a global font family and font size in Elementor. Examples: set primary font (choose from font list) set secondary font to Assistant 1.5rem set text font to 1rem  

Elementor: Enable experiment

Enable or disable an Elementor Experiment/Feature. Examples: set experiment (it will open a list of all experiments) set experiment container on The bold text above is the experiment name.

Elementor: Enable SVG

Enable unfiltered file uploads like SVG, JSON, etc. Examples: enable svg enable unfiltered files upload disable svg upload

Elementor: Set global color

Set a global color in Elementor. Examples: set primary color set secondary color to red set text color to #790787

Elementor: Regenerate CSS

Clear Elementor CSS cache. Equals to WP Admin > Elementor > Tools > Regenerate Files & Data Examples: Clear Elementor CSS Regenerate Elementor CSS